Knowing the names of fruits in different languages can be important for various reasons. First, it allows for effective communication when traveling to different countries or when interacting with people from different cultures. Being able to ask for a specific fruit or identify it in a market or store can facilitate interactions and help to avoid misunderstandings.
Additionally, knowing the names of fruits in different languages can be helpful when exploring new cuisines and recipes. Many cultures have unique and delicious dishes that use local fruits, and having knowledge of their names can help to identify and purchase the correct ingredients.
Furthermore, learning the names of fruits in different languages can also broaden one’s understanding of different cultures and their relationship with food. Fruits are often an integral part of a country’s cuisine and traditions, and knowing their names can help to better appreciate and understand the cultural significance of these foods.
Having knowledge of the names of fruits in different languages can facilitate communication, enhance culinary experiences, and broaden cultural understanding.
Here is a list of 50 of the most common fruits in English, along with their translations in German, Turkish, Arabic, and Persian:
No. | English | German | Turkish | Arabic | Persian |
1 | Apple | Apfel | Elma | تفاح | سیب |
2 | Avocado | Avocado | Avokado | أفوكادو | آووکادو |
3 | Banana | Banane | Muz | موز | موز |
4 | Blackberry | Brombeere | Böğürtlen | توت أسود | تمشک |
5 | Blueberry | Blaubeere | Yaban mersini | توت أزرق | توت آبی |
6 | Cantaloupe | Cantaloupe | Kavun | شمام | خربزه |
7 | Cherry | Kirsche | Kiraz | كرز | گيلاس |
8 | Coconut | Kokosnuss | Hindistan cevizi | جوز الهند | نارگیل |
9 | Cranberry | Preiselbeere | Kızılcık | التوت البري | کرنبری |
10 | Cucumber | Gurke | Salatalık | خيار | خیار |
11 | Date | Dattel | Hurma | تمر | خرما |
12 | Dragonfruit | Drachenfrucht | Ejderha meyvesi | فاكهة التنين | دراگون فروت |
13 | Durian | Durian | Durian | دوريان | دریانوس |
14 | Elderberry | Holunderbeere | Sambucus | الكركديه | سنجد |
15 | Fig | Feige | İncir | تين | انجیر |
16 | Grape | Weintraube | Üzüm | عنب | انگور |
17 | Grapefruit | Grapefruit | Greyfurt | الجريب فروت | گریپ فروت |
18 | Guava | Guave | Guava | جوافة | گواوا |
19 | Kiwi | Kiwi | Kivi | كيوي | کیوی |
20 | Lemon | Zitrone | Limon | ليمون | لیموترش |
21 | Lime | Limette | Limon | الليمون الأخضر | لیموترش |
22 | Lychee | Litschi | Liçi | الليتشي | لیچی |
23 | Mango | Mango | Mango | مانجو | مانگو |
24 | Mandarin | Mandarine | Mandalina | اليوسفي | ماندارين |
25 | Mulberry | Maulbeere | Dut | توت | توت |
26 | Orange | Orange | Portakal | البرتقال | پرتقال |
27 | Papaya | Papaya | Papaya | بابايا | پاپایا |
28 | Passionfruit | Passionsfrucht | Çarkıfelek meyvesi | فاكهة اليافعي | میوه پاسیون |
29 | Peach | Pfirsich | Şeftali | خوخ | هلو |
30 | Pear | Birne | Armut | كمثرى | گلابی |
31 | Pineapple | Ananas | Ananas | أناناس | آناناس |
32 | Plum | Pflaume | Erik | البرقوق | گوجه سیاه |
33 | Pomegranate | Granatapfel | Nar | رمان | انار |
34 | Raspberry | Himbeere | Ahududu | توت العليق | تمشک |
35 | Strawberry | Erdbeere | Çilek | فراولة | توت فرنگی |
36 | Tangerine | Mandarine | Mandarın | يوسفي | ماندارین |
37 | Watermelon | Wassermelone | Karpuz | البطيخ | هندوانه |
38 | Yellow Passionfruit | Gelbe Passionsfrucht | Sarı çarkıfelek meyvesi | فاكهة اليافعي الصفراء | میوه پاسیون زرد |
39 | Yellow Watermelon | Gelber Wassermelone | Sarı karpuz | البطيخ الأصفر | هندوانه زردین |
40 | Yuzu | Yuzu | Yuzu | يوزو | یوزو |
41 | Açaí | Acai | Acai | آسايي | آسایی |
42 | Acerola | Acerola | Acerola | الأسيرولا | آسرولا |
43 | Ackee | Ackee | Ackee | الأكي | آکی |
44 | African Cherry | Afrikanische Kirsche | Afrika kirazı | الكرز الأفريقي | گیلاس آفریقایی |
45 | Akee | Akee | Akee | الأكي | آکی |
46 | Appleberry | Apfelbeere | Elma yaban mersini | توت التفاح | توت سیب |
47 | Babaco | Babaco | Babaco | باباكو | باباکو |
48 | Bael Fruit | Bael Frucht | Bel meyvesi | البلح | میوه بیل |
49 | Bilberry | Heidelbeere | Yaban mersini | توت العليق | توت بیل |
50 | Black Cherry | Schwarze Kirsche | Siyah kiraz | الكرز الأسود | گیلاس سیاه |