Persischer Kräuterreis mit Goldgebratenem Fisch – Sabzi Polo Mahi (سبزی پلو ماهی)

Sabzi Polo Mahi ist ein traditionelles persisches Gericht, das häufig zum persischen Neujahr (Nowruz) serviert wird. Es besteht aus grünem Kräuterreis (Sabzi Polo) und gebratenem Fisch (Mahi). Hier ist ein…

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“Discover Europe’s Elite: A Journey Through the Continent’s Top Academic Institutions”

Europe is home to a multitude of prestigious universities that have produced generations of scholars, scientists, and leaders. This list of the top European universities offers a glimpse into the…

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Charshanbeh Suri(چهارشنبه سوری): Celebrating the Persian New Year with Fire, Light, and Purification

Charshanbeh Suri is an ancient Iranian festival that is celebrated on the eve of the last Tuseday of the Persian calendar year, which usually falls on or around March 16th…

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Step Back in Time: 22 Charming Traditional Cafe Houses to Visit in Vienna

Vienna's traditional coffeehouses, or "café houses," are an essential part of the city's cultural heritage. For centuries, these coffeehouses have been a gathering place for artists, intellectuals, and locals alike,…

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