These are just some of the many spices and herbs used in kitchens around the world. Each one has unique flavors, medicinal properties, and interesting facts, making them essential components of diverse culinary traditions.
This table includes all 40 spices, listed alphabetically, along with their translations in German, French, and Persian (both in the original script and Latin script).
English | German | French | Persian | Persian (Latin script) |
Ajwain | Ajowan | Ajowan | زیرهکوهی | Zireh-kouhi |
Allspice | Piment | Piment | هل ترکیبی | Hel-e tarkibi |
Anise | Anis | Anis | بادیان رومی | Badyane Rumi |
Asafoetida | Asant | Ase fétide | انگدان | Angedan |
Basil | Basilikum | Basilic | ریحان | Reyhan |
Black Pepper | Schwarzer Pfeffer | Poivre noir | فلفل سیاه | Felfel-e siah |
Cardamom | Kardamom | Cardamome | هل | Hel |
Caraway | Kümmel | Carvi | زیرهسیاه | Zireh-siah |
Cayenne Pepper | Cayennepfeffer | Piment de Cayenne | فلفل قرمز تند | Felfel-e ghermez tond |
Cilantro | Koriander | Coriandre | گشنیز | Geshniz |
Cinnamon | Zimt | Cannelle | دارچین | Darchin |
Cloves | Nelken | Clous de girofle | میخک | Mikhak |
Coriander | Koriander | Coriandre | گشنیز | Geshniz |
Cumin | Kreuzkümmel | Cumin | زیرهسبز | Zireh-sabz |
Curry Leaves | Curryblätter | Feuilles de curry | برگ کاری | Barg-e kari |
Dill | Dill | Aneth | شوید | Shevid |
Epazote | Epazote | Epazote | اپازوت | Epazote |
Fennel | Fenchel | Fenouil | رازیانه | Raziyane |
Fenugreek | Bockshornklee | Fenugrec | شنبلیله | Shanbalile |
Galangal | Galgant | Galanga | قلنگال | Qalangal |
Garlic | Knoblauch | Ail | سیر | Sir |
Ginger | Ingwer | Gingembre | زنجبیل | Zanjabil |
Juniper Berries | Wacholderbeeren | Baies de genièvre | خلخال سرخ | Khal-khal-e sorkh |
English | German | French | Persian | Persian (Latin script) |
Kaffir Lime Leaves | Kaffernlimettenblätter | Feuilles de combava | برگ لیمو کافر | Barg-e limoo kafar |
Marjoram | Majoran | Marjolaine | مرزنجوش | Marzanjoush |
Mint | Minze | Menthe | نعنا | Nana |
Mustard | Senf | Moutarde | خردل | Khardal |
Nigella Seeds | Schwarzkümmel | Nigelle | سیاهدانه | Siyah-dane |
Nutmeg | Muskatnuss | Noix de muscade | جوز هندی | Jowz-e hindi |
Oregano | Oregano | Origan | اورگانو | Oregano |
Paprika | Paprika | Paprika | پاپریکا | Paprika |
Parsley | Petersilie | Persil | جعفری | Jafari |
Red Pepper Flakes | Rote Pfefferflocken | Flocons de piment rouge | فلفل سیاه خرد شده | Felfel-e siah kherd shode |
Rosemary | Rosmarin | Romarin | رزماری | Rozmari |
Saffron | Safran | Safran | زعفران | Zaferan |
Sage | Salbei | Sauge | مریم گلی | Maryam-goli |
Star Anise | Sternanis | Anis étoilé | بادیان | Badian |
Sumac | Sumach | Sumac | سماق | Somaq |
Tarragon | Estragon | Estragon | ترخون | Tarkhoon |
Thyme | Thymian | Thym | آویشن | Avishan |
Turmeric | Kurkuma | Curcuma | زردچوبه | Zard-choobeh |
White Pepper | Weißer Pfeffer | Poivre blanc | فلفل سفید | Felfel-e sefid |
Yellow Mustard Seeds | Gelbe Senfkörner | Graines de moutarde jaune | دانهخردل زرد | Daneh-khardal zard |
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