Here is a table of 100 of the most common essential idioms in English, along with their explanations and their German equivalents:
# | Idiom | Explanation | German equivalent |
1 | A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush | It is better to keep what you have than to risk losing it by trying to get something better. | Ein Vogel in der Hand ist besser als zehn auf dem Dach. |
2 | A penny for your thoughts | Asking someone what they are thinking about. | Ein Penny für deine Gedanken. |
3 | A taste of your own medicine | To experience something that you have inflicted on others. | Eine Kostprobe deiner eigenen Medizin. |
4 | Actions speak louder than words | What you do is more important than what you say. | Taten sagen mehr als Worte. |
5 | All’s fair in love and war | Rules and conventions can be disregarded in certain situations. | Alles ist erlaubt in der Liebe und im Krieg. |
6 | As cool as a cucumber | Calm and composed, especially in difficult situations. | Ruhig wie eine Gurke. |
7 | At the drop of a hat | To do something immediately without hesitation. | Sofort, ohne zu zögern. |
8 | Barking up the wrong tree | To pursue the wrong path or person. | Auf dem Holzweg sein. |
9 | Beat around the bush | To avoid talking about something directly. | Um den heißen Brei herumreden. |
10 | Better late than never | It’s better to do something late than not at all. | Besser spät als nie. |
11 | Bite off more than you can chew | To take on more than you can handle. | Sich übernehmen. |
12 | Blood is thicker than water | Family relationships are stronger than other types of relationships. | Blut ist dicker als Wasser. |
13 | Burn the candle at both ends | To overexert oneself by staying up late and waking up early. | Das Leben in vollen Zügen genießen. |
14 | Clean slate | A new beginning without any negative consequences or baggage from the past. | Ein Neuanfang. |
15 | Cross that bridge when we come to it | To deal with a problem only when it arises. | Kommt Zeit, kommt Rat. |
16 | Curiosity killed the cat | Being too curious can have negative consequences. | Neugier ist eine schlechte Eigenschaft. |
17 | Cut someone off | To stop communicating with someone. | Jemanden abschneiden. |
18 | Cut someone some slack | To be more lenient or forgiving towards someone. | Jemandem eine Chance geben. |
19 | Don’t cry over spilled milk | Don’t worry about something that has already happened and cannot be changed. | Was passiert ist, ist passiert. |
20 | Early bird gets the worm | Those who act quickly and decisively will be successful. | Der frühe Vogel fängt den Wurm. |
21 | Every cloud has a silver lining | Every negative situation has a positive aspect. | Jedes Unglück hat auch sein Gutes. |
22 | Every dog has its day | Everyone will have their moment of success or triumph. | Jeder hat einmal Glück im Leben. |
23 | Haste makes waste | Rushing or hurrying can lead to mistakes or inefficiency. | Eile mit Weile. |
24 | Hit the hay | To go to bed or go to sleep. | Ins Bett gehen. |
25 | Hit the nail on the head | To be correct or accurate. | Den Nagel auf den Kopf treffen. |
26 | If the shoe fits, wear it | If something applies to you, accept it. | Wer den Schuh passt, soll ihn tragen. |
27 | Keep your chin up | To stay positive and optimistic, especially in difficult situations. | Kopf hoch! |
28 | Keep your eyes peeled | To pay close attention or watch carefully. | Augen aufhalten. |
29 | Kill two birds with one stone | To accomplish two things at once. | Zwei Fliegen mit einer Klappe schlagen. |
30 | Know which way the wind is blowing | To understand the situation or be aware of what is happening. | Den Windrichtung kennen. |
31 | Let bygones be bygones | To forget about past conflicts or disagreements and move on. | Was geschehen ist, ist geschehen. |
32 | Let sleeping dogs lie | To avoid stirring up old or potentially contentious issues. | Schlafende Hunde soll man nicht wecken. |
33 | Money doesn’t grow on trees | Money is not easily obtained or readily available. | Das Geld wächst nicht auf Bäumen. |
34 | No pain, no gain | To achieve something, one must put in effort and endure hardship. | Ohne Fleiß kein Preis. |
35 | On cloud nine | To be very happy or ecstatic. | Im siebten Himmel sein. |
36 | Once in a blue moon | Something that happens very rarely or infrequently. | Einmal in einem blauen Mond. |
37 | Play it by ear | To improvise or make decisions as events unfold. | Das Ganze auf sich zukommen lassen. |
38 | Pull oneself together | To regain composure or control of one’s emotions. | Sich zusammenreißen. |
39 | Pull someone’s leg | To joke or tease someone in a playful way. | Jemanden auf den Arm nehmen. |
40 | Put all one’s cards on the table | To be completely honest or upfront about one’s intentions or plans. | Mit offenen Karten spielen. |
41 | Put your money where your mouth is | To back up one’s words with action or financial investment. | Taten statt Worte. |
42 | Rome wasn’t built in a day | Good things take time and effort to achieve. | Rom wurde auch nicht an einem Tag erbaut. |
# | Idiom | Explanation | German equivalent |
43 | See eye to eye | To agree or have the same opinion. | Auf einer Wellenlänge sein. |
44 | Take a stab at something | To attempt something, often with little preparation or experience. | Etwas ausprobieren. |
45 | Take the bull by the horns | To confront a problem or challenge directly and with determination. | Den Stier bei den Hörnern packen. |
46 | The ball is in your court | It is someone’s turn to take action or make a decision. | Der Ball liegt in deinem Feld. |
47 | The devil is in the details | Small, often overlooked details can cause major problems or complications. | Der Teufel steckt im Detail. |
48 | The early bird catches the worm | Those who act quickly and decisively will be successful. | Der frühe Vogel fängt den Wurm. |
49 | The grass is always greener on the other side | People tend to believe that others have it better than they do. | Das Gras ist immer grüner auf der anderen Seite. |
50 | The proof is in the pudding | The true value or effectiveness of something can only be determined by putting it to the test. | Probieren geht über Studieren. |
51 | The whole nine yards | Everything or all the details. | Das volle Programm. |
52 | To each their own | Everyone is entitled to their own preferences or opinions. | Jeder nach seinem Geschmack. |
53 | Time is money | Time is a valuable resource that should be used efficiently. | Zeit ist Geld. |
54 | Turn a blind eye | To ignore or pretend not to notice something. | Ein Auge zudrücken. |
55 | Turn over a new leaf | To start fresh or make a positive change in one’s life. | Ein neues Kapitel aufschlagen. |
56 | Two heads are better than one | Collaborating with others can lead to better ideas and outcomes. | Zwei Köpfe sind besser als einer. |
57 | Wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve | To openly express one’s emotions or feelings. | Das Herz auf der Zunge tragen. |
58 | When in Rome, do as the Romans do | To follow local customs and practices when traveling or living in a foreign place. | Andere Länder, andere Sitten. |
59 | When the going gets tough, the tough get going | In difficult or challenging situations, strong and determined people become even more motivated to succeed. | Wenn’s hart auf hart kommt, kommen die Harten in den Garten. |
60 | You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink | You can provide someone with an opportunity, but you cannot force them to take advantage of it. | Man kann einen Esel zum Wasser führen, aber nicht zum Trinken zwingen. |
61 | You can’t have your cake and eat it too | You cannot have or enjoy two things that are mutually exclusive. | Man kann nicht auf zwei Hochzeiten tanzen. |
62 | You can’t judge a book by its cover | You cannot determine the true value or nature of something based solely on its appearance. | Der Schein trügt. |
63 | You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs | Achieving something often requires sacrifices or negative consequences. | Wo gehobelt wird, da fallen Späne. |
64 | You can’t teach an old dog new tricks | It is difficult to teach or change someone who is set in their ways. | Was Hänschen nicht lernt, lernt Hans nimmermehr. |
65 | You reap what you sow | One’s actions will have consequences, either positive or negative. | Wer Wind sät, wird Sturm ernten. |
66 | Your guess is as good as mine | Neither person knows the answer. | Ich habe keine Ahnung. |
67 | A blessing in disguise | Something that appears to be negative or bad, but is actually beneficial. | Ein Segen in Verkleidung. |
68 | A chip on one’s shoulder | A grudge or resentment towards others. | Eine Wut im Bauch haben. |
69 | A dime a dozen | Something that is common or easily obtained. | Wie Sand am Meer. |
70 | A picture is worth a thousand words | Visual images can convey a lot of information or emotion. | Ein Bild sagt mehr als tausend Worte. |
71 | All ears | To be fully attentive and interested in what someone is saying. | Ganz Ohr sein. |
72 | All thumbs | To be clumsy or inept. | Zwei linke Hände haben. |
73 | An arm and a leg | To be very expensive or cost a lot. | Ein Vermögen kosten. |
74 | Bite the bullet | To endure a difficult or painful situation. | In den sauren Apfel beißen. |
75 | Break a leg | A saying used to wish someone good luck, particularly before a performance. | Hals- und Beinbruch! |
76 | By the skin of one’s teeth | To narrowly avoid a dangerous or undesirable situation. | Mit Ach und Krach. |
77 | Cut corners | To take shortcuts or avoid proper procedures, often resulting in lower quality work. | Den Gürtel enger schnallen. |
78 | Devil’s advocate | To argue against a particular viewpoint for the sake of debate or to find potential flaws. | Den Teufel spielen. |
79 | Don’t count your chickens before they hatch | Do not assume that something will happen before it actually does. | Man soll den Tag nicht vor dem Abend loben. |
80 | Don’t cry over spilt milk | Do not dwell on or regret something that cannot be changed. | Was geschehen ist, ist geschehen. |
81 | Don’t put all your eggs in one basket | To not rely solely on one thing or take unnecessary risks. | Nicht alles auf eine Karte setzen. |
82 | Everything but the kitchen sink | To include every possible item or option. | Alles außer der Küchenspüle. |
83 | Feeling under the weather | To be ill or not feeling well. | Sich schlapp fühlen. |
84 | Get a taste of your own medicine | To experience something that you have caused others to experience. | Gleiches mit Gleichem vergelten. |
85 | Get cold feet | To become nervous or hesitant before taking an important action. | Kalte Füße bekommen. |
86 | Get one’s act together | To become organized and focused, particularly when previously disorganized or unfocused. | Sich zusammenreißen. |
87 | Give the benefit of the doubt | To assume the best intentions of someone, particularly in the absence of evidence to the contrary. | Im Zweifel für den Angeklagten. |
88 | Go the extra mile | To make an additional effort beyond what is expected or required. | Sich besonders anstrengen. |
89 | Hit the jackpot | To be extremely fortunate or successful. | Den Jackpot knacken. |
90 | It takes two to tango | A problem or dispute often involves both parties, not just one. | Es gehören immer zwei dazu. |
91 | Let the cat out of the bag | To reveal a secret or previously unknown information. | Die Katze aus dem Sack lassen. |
92 | Make a long story short | To summarize a lengthy explanation or story. | Um es kurz zu machen. |
93 | On the ball | To be alert, efficient, and quick to understand. | Auf Zack sein. |
94 | Piece of cake | Something that is very easy or simple. | Ein Kinderspiel. |
95 | Pull out all the stops | To use every possible resource or effort to achieve something. | Alle Register ziehen. |
96 | See the light | To suddenly understand or have a breakthrough in understanding. | Das Licht am Ende des Tunnels sehen. |
97 | Spill the beans | To reveal a secret or previously unknown information. | Die Katze aus dem Sack lassen. |
98 | Take it with a grain of salt | To be skeptical or not take something too seriously. | Etwas mit Vorsicht genießen. |
99 | Through thick and thin | To remain loyal and supportive through good times and bad. | In guten wie in schlechten Zeiten. |
100 | When all is said and done | In the end, after everything has been considered. | Am Ende des Tages. |
Here is a vocabulary list for the 100 essential idioms in the table with English and translations in German, Turkish, Arabic, and Persian (Farsi):
English Vocabulary | German Vocabulary | Turkish Vocabulary | Arabic Vocabulary | Persian (Farsi) Vocabulary |
bird | der Vogel | kuş | طائر | پرنده |
hand | die Hand | el | اليد | دست |
worth | der Wert | değer | القيمة | ارزش |
two | zwei | iki | اثنان | دو |
bush | der Busch | çalı | الشجيرة | بوته |
blessing | der Segen | bereket | النعمة | برکت |
disguise | die Verkleidung | kılık değiştirme | تنكر | مخفی کردن, پوشاندن |
dime | der Zehncent | on sent | الدايم | سکه ۱۰ سنتی |
dozen | das Dutzend | düzine | العشرات | دوجین |
bite | beißen | ısırma | العضة | گاز گرفتن |
bullet | die Kugel | kurşun | الرصاصة | گلوله |
break | brechen | kırmak | كسر | شکست دادن |
leg | das Bein | bacak | الساق | پایین |
luck | das Glück | şans | الحظ | شانس |
cold | kalt | soğuk | بارد | سرد |
feet | die Füße | ayaklar | القدمين | پا |
act | die Handlung | eylem | الفعل | عمل |
extra | extra | ekstra | إضافي | اضافی |
hit | treffen | vurmak | ضرب | زدن |
jackpot | der Jackpot | büyük ikramiye | الجائزة الكبرى | جک پات |
tango | der Tango | tango | تانغو | تانگو |
cat | die Katze | kedi | القطة | گربه |
spill | verschütten | dökmek | الانسكاب | ریختن |
beans | die Bohnen | fasulye | الفاصوليا | لوبیا |
grain | das Korn | tahıl | الحبة | دانه |
doubt | der Zweifel | şüphe | الشك | شک |
thick | dick | kalın | سميك | ضخيم |
thin | dünn | ince | رقيق | نازک |
loyal | treu | sadık | المخلص | وفادار |
supportive | unterstützend | destekleyici | داعم | حمایت کننده |
end | das Ende | son | النهاية | پایان |
everything | alles | her şey | كل شيء | همه چیز |
feeling | das Gefühl | his | الشعور | احساس |
medicine | die Medizin | ilaç | الدواء | دارو |
fortune | das Glück | şans | الحظ | شانس |
fortunate | glücklich | şanslı | محظوظ | خوش شانس |
experience | die Erfahrung | deneyim | الخبرة | تجربه |
cold feet | kalte Füße | tereddüt etmek | الأقدام الباردة | ناامیدی |
effort | die Anstrengung | çaba | الجهد | تلاش |
argue | streiten | tartışmak | يتحدث بشكل معارض | مخالفت کردن |
viewpoint | der Standpunkt | görüş | وجهة النظر | دیدگاه |
flaw | der Fehler | hata | الخطأ | خطا |
loyal | treu | sadık | المخلص | وفادار |
efficient | effizient | etkili | فعال | کارآمد |
quick | schnell | hızlı | سريع | سریع |
include | einschließen | dahil etmek | تتضمن | شامل کردن |
possible | möglich | mümkün | ممكن | ممکن |
option | die Option | seçenek | الخيار | گزینه |
sick | krank | hasta | مريض | بیمار |
ill | krank | hasta | مريض | بیمار |
organized | organisiert | düzenli | منظم | سازمان یافته |
focused | fokussiert | odaklanmış | تركيز | متمرکز |
evidence | der Beweis | kanıt | الدليل | شواهد |
best intentions | besten Absichten | en iyi niyetler | أفضل النوايا | بهترین نیتها |
absence | die Abwesenheit | yokluk | الغياب | عدم حضور |
extra effort | zusätzlicher Aufwand | ekstra çaba | مجهود إضافي | تلاش اضافی |
fortunate | glücklich | şanslı | محظوظ | خوش شانس |
successful | erfolgreich | başarılı | ناجح | موفق |
problem | das Problem | sorun | المشكلة | مشکل |
dispute | die Auseinandersetzung | anlaşmazlık | النزاع | ا |
English Vocabulary | German Vocabulary | Turkish Vocabulary | Arabic Vocabulary | Persian (Farsi) Vocabulary |
upset | aufgeregt | üzgün | يحبط | ناراحت |
bother | stören | rahatsız etmek | إزعاج | دردسر ساز شدن |
nervous | nervös | gergin | متوتر | عصبی |
curious | neugierig | meraklı | فضولي | کنجکاو |
easy-going | entspannt | uyumlu | مريح | آرام |
anxious | besorgt | endişeli | متوتر | نگران |
thrilled | begeistert | heyecanlı | متحمس | هیجان زده |
exhausted | erschöpft | yorgun | متعب | خسته |
determined | entschlossen | kararlı | مصمم | مصمم |
overwhelmed | überwältigt | bunalmış | مضغوط | سرخورده |
frustrated | frustriert | hayal kırıklığına uğramış | محبط | ناامید |
satisfied | zufrieden | memnun | راض | راضی |
regretful | bedauerlich | pişman | مؤسف | پشیمان |
accomplished | erreicht | başarı | محقق | انجام شده |
confident | zuversichtlich | güvenli | واثق | مطمئن |
disappointed | enttäuscht | hayal kırıklığına uğramış | خائب الأمل | ناامید |
confused | verwirrt | kafa karıştırmak | مشوش | گیج |
afraid | ängstlich | korkmuş | خائف | ترسیده |
furious | wütend | öfkeli | غاضب | خشمگین |
exhausted | erschöpft | yorgun | متعب | خسته |
content | zufrieden | hoşnut | راض | راضی |
embarrassed | verlegen | mahçup | محرج | شرمسار |
fascinated | fasziniert | büyülenmiş | مفتون | شیفته |
inspired | inspiriert | ilham veren | مستوحى | الهام بخش |
interested | interessiert | ilgilenen | مهتم | علاقهمند |
pleased | zufrieden | memnun | راض | خوشحال |
proud | stolz | gururlu | فخور | مغرور |
relaxed | entspannt | rahat | مسترخي | آرام |
stressed | gestresst | stresli | مشدود | استرس |
English Vocabulary | German Vocabulary | Turkish Vocabulary | Arabic Vocabulary | Persian (Farsi) Vocabulary |
worried | besorgt | endişeli | مهتم | نگران |
anxious | ängstlich | endişeli | متوتر | نگران |
grateful | dankbar | minnettar | ممتن | سپاسگزار |
delighted | erfreut | memnun | مسرور | خوشحال |
horrified | entsetzt | dehşete düşmüş | مرعوب | هراسان |
calm | ruhig | sakin | هادئ | آرام |
bored | gelangweilt | sıkılmış | ممل | خسته کننده |
determined | entschlossen | kararlı | مصمم | مصمم |
surprised | überrascht | şaşırmış | مندهش | شگفتزده |
angry | wütend | kızgın | غاضب | عصبانی |
jealous | eifersüchtig | kıskanç | غيور | حسادت |
sad | traurig | üzgün | حزين | افسرده |
excited | aufgeregt | heyecanlı | متحمس | هیجانزده |
happy | glücklich | mutlu | سعيد | خوشبخت |
peaceful | friedlich | barışçıl | سلمي | صلح آميز |
nervous | nervös | gergin | متوتر | عصبی |
tense | angespannt | gergin | متوتر | تنش |
lonely | einsam | yalnız | وحيد | تنها |
surprised | überrascht | şaşırmış | مندهش | شگفتزده |
loved | geliebt | sevilen | محبوب | عزیز |
confident | zuversichtlich | güvenli | واثق | مطمئن |
disgusted | angewidert | iğrenmiş | مشمئز | از انزجار پر شده |
hurt | verletzt | yaralı | مصاب | زخمی |
terrified | entsetzt | korkmuş | مرعوب | ترسیده |
pleased | zufrieden | memnun | راض | راضی |
embarrassed | verlegen | mahçup | محرج | شرمسار |
fascinated | fasziniert | büyülenmiş | مفتون | شیفته |
inspired | inspiriert | ilham veren | مستوحى | الهام بخش |
interested | interessiert | ilgili | مهتم | علاقهمند |
English Vocabulary | German Vocabulary | Turkish Vocabulary | Arabic Vocabulary | Persian (Farsi) Vocabulary |
fascinated | fasziniert | büyülenmiş | مفتون | شیفته |
inspired | inspiriert | ilham veren | مستوحى | الهام بخش |
interested | interessiert | ilgili | مهتم | علاقهمند |
pleased | zufrieden | memnun | راض | راضی |
proud | stolz | gururlu | فخور | مغرور |
relaxed | entspannt | rahat | مسترخي | آرام |
stressed | gestresst | stresli | مشدود | استرس |
tired | müde | yorgun | تعبان | خسته |
worried | besorgt | endişeli | مهتم | نگران |
excited | aufgeregt | heyecanlı | متحمس | هیجانزده |
happy | glücklich | mutlu | سعيد | خوشبخت |
sad | traurig | üzgün | حزين | افسرده |
angry | wütend | kızgın | غاضب | عصبانی |
relaxed | entspannt | rahat | مسترخي | آرام |
afraid | ängstlich | korkmuş | خائف | ترسیده |
curious | neugierig | meraklı | فضولي | کنجکاو |
disgusted | angewidert | iğrenmiş | مشمئز | از انزجار پر شده |
embarrassed | verlegen | mahçup | محرج | شرمسار |
confident | zuversichtlich | güvenli | واثق | مطمئن |
frustrated | frustriert | hayal kırıklığına uğramış | محبط | ناامید |
overwhelmed | überwältigt | bunalmış | مضغوط | سرخورده |
determined | entschlossen | kararlı | مصمم | مصمم |
pleased | zufrieden | memnun | راض | راضی |
fascinated | fasziniert | büyülenmiş | مفتون | شیفته |
interested | interessiert | ilgili | مهتم | علاقهمند |
content | zufrieden | hoşnut | راض | راضی |
jealous | eifersüchtig | kıskanç | غيور | حسادت |
overwhelmed | überwältigt | bunalmış | مضغوط | سرخورده |
bored | gelangweilt | sıkılmış | ممل | خسته کننده |
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